Majikkon 2015
March 7, 2015
University of Huddersfield
Anime Convention with Comics and Sci-Fi programming
MAJIKKON is a celebration of mainly three things: Manga, a highly artistic style of comic book, Anime, or animation, both of which are centred in Japan and thirdly all things geeky, including western comics and Sci-Fi. These subjects cover a wide range of genres, anything from robots and aliens to complex love stories, and have a huge following all across the world in the form of literature, media, music and culture. And at the convention, that is exactly what you can see and experience. Talented and uprising artists will populate the Artists' Alley, where you can buy their work and maybe ask for a drawing. There will be literature and reading activities, a cosplay competition, Artist competition, live music and dance performances, and various other stage events, but that's not all. Artists will run 'how-to-draw' workshops, there'll be a Japanese food court, Manga stalls to browse, and a games room and loli-lounge (loli being short for Lolita, a very cute style of dressing).
Majikkon 2015 Reports and Photos
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Previous/Future Events
Huddersfield Manga Con 2014 — March 8, 2014