![Ani-Games Showdown 2015](http://media.animecons.com/ConLogo/logo_C5638.jpg)
Ani-Games Showdown 2015
February 21-22, 2015
HBF Arena
Joondaluo, Western Australia, Australia
Video Gaming Convention with Gaming programming
Well gamers, you've fought long and hard over 2014 in the Ani-Games Series leaderboard to make it to this point and here it is: the Ani-Games Showdown!
The best three players on the leaderboard for Pokemon, Mario Kart and Smash Bros. and the wildcard winners for the final fourth position are going to be facing off to see who is the Grand Champion for their game division!
And we've done one better for you people of Western Australia with this event being upgraded from what was originally planned to a micro-convention at HBF Arena, Joondalup!
We have Trader stalls, Cosplay Competitions for both days of the event, separate video game competitions from the main Ani-Games Showdown game events, Trading Card Game tournaments, Panels, Workshops, Art Competitions and more for your enjoyment while you get the chance to see some of the best players compete for the great bragging rights of being the 1st Ani-Games Champions.
Ani-Games Showdown 2015 Reports and Photos
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