Midoricon 2016
September 9-11, 2016
Maumee Bay Lodge and Conference Center
Oregon, OH, USA
Anime Convention
Midoricon's mission is to inspire our attendees to be heroes.
We truly believe there is hero potential in you and can't wait to see it. Opportunities for bravery abound, inspired by fandoms you love: chilling events, competitive adventures, new things to learn or teach, even taking the chance to talk to new folks - everybody has their own level of experience to grow, and we're here for you.
We want you to feel like you belong, to believe you have untold power inside you, and to uniquely enjoy some of your fandoms. We want everyone who participates in Midoricon to realize that they have the ability to change their own world and do things they've never done before. We'll even provide you with fun, eco-friendly ways to really help save the planet.
Registration Information
$55: All 3 Days
$30: Friday
$35: Saturday
$20: Sunday
Midoricon 2016 Guests
- Cosprovisation - Panelists
Midoricon 2016 Reports and Photos
- No reports found.
Previous/Future Events
Midoricon 2016 — September 9-11, 2016
Midorifest 2016 — April 23-24, 2016
Midoricon 2015 — September 25-27, 2015
Midorifest 2015 — April 18-19, 2015
Midoricon 2014 — September 5-7, 2014
Midoricon 2.5 2014 — March 29-30, 2014
Midoricon 2013 — September 6-8, 2013
Midoricon 2012 — September 7-9, 2012