Jaycon 2016
April 9-10, 2016
Elizabethtown College
Elizabethtown, PA, USA
Anime Convention
In 2010, a crazy, spontaneous idea became reality in the first-ever annual anime convention to be hosted at Elizabethtown College. Jaycon 2010 was a one-day con with the main event being Cosplay Chess. In 2011, the con was extended to Sunday, and the main event was a performance from Reni Mimura. Jaycon 2012 brought Kevin Bolk and Cosplay Comedian Joe as guests, and expanded our attendee cap to 350. In 2013, Jaycon 4 had voice actress Michelle Knotz and the Japanese band the Asterplace, along with Kevin Bolk and Duane Johnson. In 2014, Jaycon hosted its five year anniversary and hit its cap early Saturday morning despite the poor weather. Although struggling with some issues, Jaycon 6 has been set for 2016 and hopes to be the biggest and best convention yet! Thank you for your support, and hope to see you at future cons!
Jaycon 2016 Guests
- Kevin Bolk - Web Comic Creator - Interrobang Studios
- The Manly Battleships - Panelists
Jaycon 2016 Reports and Photos
- No reports found.
Previous/Future Events
Jaycon 2018 — March 24-25, 2018
Jaycon 2017 — February 25-26, 2017
Jaycon 2016 — April 9-10, 2016
Jaycon 2014 — March 29-30, 2014
Jaycon 2013 — April 6-7, 2013
Jaycon 2012 — March 31 - April 1, 2012
Jaycon 2011 — March 26-27, 2011
Jaycon 2010 — March 27, 2010