Anime Mini 2017
May 20, 2017
Greensburg Garden & Civic Center
Greensburg, PA, USA
Anime Convention
Anime Mini is a small anime and Japanese culture convention held in Greensburg, Pennsylvania. What sets it apart from the rest is its small size, its equally small price, and its quarterly occurrence. Every three months, the tiny convention will be held for one day, with the title of the current season and year.
The goal of Anime Mini is not to grow into a convention of huge proportions, pulling in tens of thousands of attendees for each show. We would rather grow in other ways that allow us to maintain a small and affordable size. If our numbers begin to overflow, we may host the convention even more frequently. If we continue to get more popular still, we will branch off and host Anime Mini in different regions.
We understand the importance of staying connected with our fellow anime fans, and we genuinely want to provide this experience for the sake of the community. After each convention, we will make an effort to get feedback from our attendees so we can better understand the good and bad, helping us to decide how we can improve the next one.
We greatly appreciate all who come to participate and enjoy the day with us, and we hope to see you at the next one!
Anime Mini 2017 Reports and Photos
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Previous/Future Events
Anime Mini 2017 — May 20, 2017
Anime Mini 2017 — February 4, 2017
Anime Mini 2016 — June 11, 2016
Anime Mini 2015 — November 14, 2015