Kenyth Mogan
The Phoenix Chronicles

See also: Demented Dragon
Kenyth is the author of 'The Phoenix Chronicles' manga series illustrated by Melissa Hudson and Sheree Chuang; published by Demented Dragon.
Convention Guest Appearances
YamiCon 2007 - December 28-30, 2007 in Houston, TX, USAConvention Postponed- MikomiCon 2007 - September 7-9, 2007 in Northridge, CA, USA
- Ani-Jam 2007 - August 18-19, 2007 in Fresno, CA, USA
- OtakuOmaha 2007 - June 8-10, 2007 in Omaha, NE, USA
- AniZona 2007 - April 5-8, 2007 in Mesa, AZ, USA