Angela "Angelphie" Hacket


See also: Cosplay Island
Angela "Angelphie" Hacket is a Scottish cosplayer with nearly a decade of involvement in the hobby. After developing a Final Fantasy addiction and an interest in anime and manga, she discovered cosplay online and started out in 2002 by making a costume for Halloween. She became involved in the online community before finally attending her first anime convention in 2004 (this being the early days of the UK con scene when there were far fewer events in existence, let alone many open to younger attendees). Since then, Angela has made more than 50 costumes based on anime, manga, video games, original designs, film and tv and has accumulated far more wigs than anyone should reasonably own. She has traveled to conventions in France and the USA and has acted as a craftsmanship judge at Auchinawa, London Expo and AmeCon, including the selection of a EuroCosplay finalist.
Convention Guest Appearances
- NemaCon 2012 - June 23-24, 2012 in Middlesbrough