Pikabug Owner
Kentucky, USA

PikaFreakRachel was born and raised in Kentucky. She fell in love with the Pokemon games and anime and became a Pokemon Trainer at the age of 10 in 1998. Years later, and still a 10 year old Trainer at heart, she has a collection of over 5,000 Pokemon items mostly featuring her favorite, Pikachu, which includes one of the original 10 Pikachu Volkswagen Beetles, Pika 3. Pika 3 was used by Nintendo from 2000-2006 when it was sold at auction. It was bought by a used car dealership and nearly destroyed, having the ears and tail removed, mouth and feet painted over, then left parked on the streets of New York until February 2012, when it was put up for auction again. It was love at first sight. Rachel bought the Pikabug sight unseen and has lovingly restored it. An avid otaku, she now takes it to the many conventions that she attends in Kentucky.
Convention Guest Appearances
- Yama-Con 2017 - December 1-3, 2017 in Pigeon Forge, TN, USA
- Yama-Con 2015 - December 4-6, 2015 in Pigeon Forge, TN, USA
- Sukoshi Con: Bowling Green 2015 - May 8-10, 2015 in Bowling Green, KY, USA
- Sukoshi Con: PokeCON 2015 - January 9-11, 2015 in Louisville, KY, USA
- Yama-Con 2014 - December 5-7, 2014 in Pigeon Forge, TN, USA
- Sukoshi Con: Bowling Green 2014 - September 6, 2014 in Bowling Green, KY, USA
- Sukoshi Con: Louisville Anime Weekend 2014 - July 4-6, 2014 in Louisville, KY, USA
- SukoshiCon: Pokécon 2013 - July 19-21, 2013 in Louisville, KY, USA