Doc Volz


Doc Volz is a time traveler with a bad sense of direction. This esteemed mad scientist, mesmerist and medicine man is the inventor of the world's first fully-functioning teleporter - which he enjoys demonstrating on stage with a flash of fire and a shower of sparks. He is the amazing alchemist who formulated the elixer of life which he demonstrates by gorily hacking deep into his arm, gushing blood while laughing about it and healing it in moments. A friend to the follicle-impaired, Doc's re-folliculator can re-grow hair on a bald man (although sometimes the head must be removed first). And for any poor souls whose day needs livening he offers laughter, miracles and magic in the form of impossible inventions you have to see in order to believe.
Convention Guest Appearances
- Daisho Con 2013 - November 22-24, 2013 in Wisconsin Dells, WI, USA