Molly Searcy Information

Molly Searcy

Molly Searcy

Houston, TX, USA

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Molly Searcy is an American voice actress with Crunchyroll/FUNimation, Sentai Filmworks, and Sound Cadence Studios. She is known for her work as Akame in Akame ga Kill! (Toonami, Netflix), Jeanne in The Case Study of Vanitas, Centorea in Monster Musume, Flaming Belial in Combatants Will Be Dispatched, Rory Mercury in GATE, Isuzu Sento in Amagi Brilliant Park, Mako Reizei in Girls und Panzer, MASKING in BanG Dream!, and Polaris Hilda in Saint Seiya (Netflix). In addition to her work as a voice over artist, Molly is a member of the Brierley Resident Acting Company at Dallas Theater Center. She earned her MFA in Acting from SMU.

Convention Guest Appearances

33 confirmed guest appearances

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