Spencer Wilding Information

Spencer Wilding


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Spencer Lee Wilding is an actor, martial artist and specialist in creating memorable creature performances for some of the biggest movies around including Star Wars Rogue One where he plays Darth Vader.

Since he was a child, Spencer had always dreamed of becoming an actor. Lacking any clear route towards his ambition, and growing to be a robust 6' 7" man, he became involved in 'Kick-Boxing' and eventually was crowned British-Welsh Champion. A photographer took a picture for Spencer's mother's mantelpiece and suggested that he approach an agent in London as he had a 'great look', thus the passion for acting was rekindled, advice taken and many major projects later, he is now considered to be one of the best in his specialization of Special Creature performance today.

As well as creature work, his outstanding physical and acting ability have seen him continue to impress and delight on the big screen.

Convention Guest Appearances

53 confirmed guest appearances

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