Dorothy Fahn Information

Dorothy Fahn

Dorothy Fahn


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Dorothy originally pursued an on-camera acting and stage career. But fate stepped in one day, many years ago and asked: "Hey, you wanna do voices in anime?" To which she discovered: "Wow - I love this!" (although she still does the occasional stage production!)

Her anime credits include Melody in Hunter X Hunter, Konan in Naruto, Meryl in Trigun, Cyprine and Ptilol in Sailor Moon, Nena/Empress in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Maiko in Kill La Kill, Kaoru in Rurouni Kenshin, Miyu in Vampire Princess Miyu, Sophie in Code Geass, and many more!

She has also performed voices in Final Fantasy XV, Fallout 4, League of Legends, Fire Emblem Echoes, and so much more, in anime, animated programs, and video games.

A partial list of Dorothy's extensive credits can be viewed at AnimeVoiceOver, Behind the Voice Actors, and Dorothy's website!

Convention Guest Appearances

35 confirmed guest appearances

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