Luis Carazo Information

Luis Carazo

Luis Carazo

Los Angeles, CA, USA

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Luis Carazo was born in Cartagena, Colombia and emigrated to the US at the age of three with his family. He has appeared on tv shows such as S.W.A.T., Criminal Minds, Grey's Anatomy, NCIS Los Angeles, as well as others, and he was Will Ferrell's "padre" in Casa de mi Padre (in flashbacks of course). He was also in the award winning film 'Mob Rules' starring Lennie James, 'Addicts' with Michael K Williams, and was in the Los Angeles Ovation Award winning plays "The Pliant Girls" and "Time Alone", the latter of which was written by academy award nominee Alessandro Camon and starred Tony winner Tonya Pinkins. In the ttrpg play space Luis has played Zerxus on Critical Role's "Exandria Unlimited: Calamity", Nines Rodriguez on "LA by Night", and he is a core cast member on the Outbreak Undead series, among other ttrpg appearances.

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